Very popular search term, so here you go.
Chelsea Green Publishing generously uploaded this excerpt from Top-Bar Beekeeping by Les Crowder and Heather Harrell, including Les Crowder's Top Bar Hive Plans. A clever marketing trick to make you want to buy the book, the detailed plans are viewable but not printable. That's OK... they're giving a 35% discount right now, so the book's less than $17! Use coupon code CGP35 at
And here's a less elegant set of TBH-Making-Plans in PDF format, courtesy of For the Love of Bees.
Chelsea Green Publishing generously uploaded this excerpt from Top-Bar Beekeeping by Les Crowder and Heather Harrell, including Les Crowder's Top Bar Hive Plans. A clever marketing trick to make you want to buy the book, the detailed plans are viewable but not printable. That's OK... they're giving a 35% discount right now, so the book's less than $17! Use coupon code CGP35 at
And here's a less elegant set of TBH-Making-Plans in PDF format, courtesy of For the Love of Bees.