August 31, 2015

VIT Report: 2-years of Allergy Shots Completed

Two years down. Hopefully just one more to go. Here's the damage to date:
Shots taken: 162
Miles Driven: 672
Out-of-Pocket: $4,741 (not including gas)
How much I saved by having insurance: $1,612
How much I spent to have insurance: UGH don't ask 


Julie said... 1

If you add your VIT tally to your hive maintenance costs, I wonder what the per pound cost of your honey will be?

Hang in there! You're already 2/3rds there!

HB said... 2

I sure hope I am done a year from now @Julie. Could be up to 3 more years (at $2K each year)! Then my honey would be more expensive than gold.

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