April 10, 2015

Ouch! 10 Dogs That Ate Bees and Their Sad, Sad Puppy Faces

If you Google it, there aren't many results for cats eating bees but there's TONS for dogs eating bees. Along with these pictures,* it's proof that cats rule and dogs drool. I will admit that there are some smart dogs out there, service dogs for example, and K-9 officers. But the rest of them could really benefit from this, my first, sponsored post — thanks, dogfencediy.com! Learn how to keep your dogs away from your beehives below the photo.

*2019 UPDATE: Adobe Flash is 95% dead so here's an Instagram post instead of 10 sad, sad puppy face photos.

Dog Anaphylaxis: What It Looks Like and What to Do If It Happens to Your Dog | Your Dog Advisor

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Using an Invisible Fence to Separate Your Dogs from Your Hive
By dogfencdiy.com

If you’re a beekeeper who also happens to own dogs, you know how important it is to separate your dogs from your hive. If dogs are attacked by grumpy bees, it can be fatal or at least cost you a bunch in vet bills. Even one sting can be fatal if your dog is allergic to bees. If your dogs are determined, it can be difficult to enforce boundaries without installing some type of fencing. Simply chaining or caging your dogs is a poor solution, because dogs must be given freedom to run and roam for their physical and mental health.

An electric dog fence is an excellent way to keep your dogs away from your beehive. Lots of beekeepers find that invisible fencing is preferable to traditional fencing for a variety of reasons. Let’s explore some of the pros and cons of a DIY electric dog fence and what you need to consider when using one to enclose your hive.

Reasons to Use an Invisible Fence
Clearly it’s important to keep your pet dogs at a safe distance from your beehive. One of the advantages of an invisible fence is that it does this more reliably than a traditional fence. Traditional fences are less reliable because determined dogs can often find a way to get past. If your dogs love to dig, for example, they can burrow underneath. They could also jump over or break through the fence. With a wired electric fence, your dogs are stopped from getting close enough to the boundary line by a mild static shock from their e-collar, so they’re unable to get past the perimeter. This is one of the reasons underground dog fences are often used to keep the most determined escape artist dogs enclosed in their yards.

Another advantage of an underground dog fence is that it won’t prevent you from seeing or accessing your hive. Having the ability to see what is going on will help you know if your bees are about to swarm or your could even witness a mating flight. Traditional fences would block your view of your hive. You’d also have to fuss with opening, locking, and remembering to close a gate which can be problematic if you are trying to work with gloves and holding your smoker and hive tool. Invisible fences do not hinder your movement, so you’re able to see and get to your hive with ease. During the busy beekeeping season when you need to frequently access your hive, an invisible fence makes it more convenient for you.

Downsides of Invisible Fencing
There are downsides to invisible fencing that must also be considered. Invisible fences cannot stop other people or animals from accessing your hive. If your beehive is in your backyard that is enclosed by a traditional fence, and you only need an invisible fence to stop your dogs from getting close to it, intruders might not be a concern to you. Of course, even a traditional fence can’t stop bears or people with ill intentions. Some beekeepers use both a traditional fence and underground dog fence for maximum protection for their dogs and bees.

Another disadvantage of an invisible fence is that it requires you to train your dogs. Training takes about 15-30 minutes per day for up to two weeks. If you don’t have the time or patience to devote to consistent training, then a traditional fence might be preferable for you. However, once training is complete, you don’t need to do it again unless you get a new dog. Most beekeepers find that it’s easy to train their dogs, and you might not be inconvenienced by the training, especially if you and your dogs are experienced with training. If your dogs have had the unfortunate experience of being stung, it’ll probably be even easier to teach them to stay away from the hive.

Selecting an Electronic Dog Fence
There are many different types of electric dog fences, and it’s important that you choose the right system for you, your dogs, and your yard. An underground dog fence can enclose up to 100 acres, but wireless dog fences have smaller capacities making them perfect for protecting backyard beehives. Wireless dog fence reviews can help you select a system. Wireless dog fences are excellent for small apiaries because they’re easier to install and create a circular perimeter. Underground dog fences may be preferable if you want to use the system to contain your dog in your yard, while creating an exclusion zone around your hive. The size of your dogs is important to consider, too, because smaller dogs will require smaller e-collars. Electric dog fence comparison charts and online reviews are excellent tools for researching and selecting systems.

Cost of an Electronic Dog Fence
Many beekeepers are happy with the invisible fence cost when compared to the cost of a traditional fence. Traditional fences can cost thousands of dollars, but installing your own electronic dog fence can save you 80% or more. Professionals will charge about $1200 to install an invisible fence, but even inexperienced do-it-yourselfers can install an electric dog fence over a weekend. Most underground dog fences cost $300 or less, and there are usually no maintenance costs associated with them. If you’re worried about the cost of running an electric fence, you can expect your electric bill to rise by only $1-2 per month. If you don’t have a nearby electrical outlet, you can purchase a solar panel for just $100, and it will power your fence.

As you can see, a DIY electric dog fence can save you lots of money, so it’s great for even the most modest budgets. Most importantly, it can offer reliable protection for your pet dogs. They’ll be unable to access your hive, and you can have peace of mind that they won’t be injured by your bees. Creating customized zones for your bees and dogs will help all your creatures live in harmony on your property, no matter how big or small your yard is.

SPONSORED POST: Published in partnership with www.dogfencediy.com. We encourage you to ask questions or to share your experiences with any dog containment system in the comments section. Commenters and those who share the post in social media qualify for a drawing of a $50 Amazon gift card. COMMENTS ARE CLOSED.
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If your dog is stung by a bee and you can see the stinger, try to scrape it out as quickly as you can. The embedded stinger pumps venom into the victim after it's torn from the bee's body. Then administer Benadryl. Here's a good article on dosage, etc.: The typical dose of Benadryl for dogs


HB said... 1

Thanks again www.dogfencediy.com for sponsoring the Backyard Bee Hive Blog. READERS: see the golden bee icon with the number 1 on it? I will be using a random number generator to select a winner of the $50 gift card. Social shares will increase your chances so start sharing and commenting! Include @Hello_Kitty_ in your tweet and I will see it. This giveaway closes and the winner will be selected on the 21st. GOOD LUCK

HB said... 2

READERS: if you shared this post socially, send me a link to your post and I'll bonus you an entry in the random drawing. +1 for each share.

Unknown said... 3

Really nice post and thanks for writing. Also commonly known as in-ground electric fences, invisible dog fences are effective pet management systems and they play a key role in ensuring that pets especially dogs are safely confined to a specific area. See more here http://dogsaholic.com/training/best-invisible-dog-fence.html