February 28, 2009

Book Review: The Backyard Beekeeper

by Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture magazine.

This is one of my favorite books - I refer to it often. Alas, it is of no help regarding nucs.

Likes: a comprehensive guide for beginners that addresses beekeeping from a natural perspective (IPM) as well as the traditional (chemical) approach.
  • lots of photos that are actually useful, not just pretty
  • encyclopedic yet easy-to-read
  • love the asides
  • step-by-step photos on installing a package (if you understand this, then installing a swarm is a snap)
Dislikes: the type is kinda small, and Jeanne's Hand Cream is not what's shown in the photo. Also, it looks like all the cosmetic products were made using bleached beeswax.

The author's inscription (to my girls): Keep the Honey Coming.


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